Booking Information
How to Book
To schedule or cancel an appointment, or to inquire about any specific information please call, text, or email us!
Call 519-673-0279
Text 226-270-8044
New Patient Information
Prior To Your Appointment
Upon Arrival
Be sure you bring the following items with you on the day of your first visit:
List of current medications (can be requested from your pharmacy if necessary)
A form of accepted payment (see below)
Insurance information (ID, plan number, and insurance carrier if applicable)
During Your Appointment
Initial visits include a dental exam and cleaning, which entails:
Review dental and medical history
Dental health assessment
Gum health assessment
Oral cancer screening
X-rays if necessary
Diagnose treatment if necessary
Address any concerns you may have
After the initial comprehensive exam, all patients will be placed on an individualized checkup and cleaning schedule (for more information
on your personalized schedule please give us a call).
If additional treatment has been diagnosed at your initial exam, a free personal estimate will be provided and appointments will be scheduled appropriately.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to discuss them with
us at your first or subsequent visits. We are happy to help you in any way we can. Please don’t hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to make your first visit as comfortable as possible.
Payment & Notes
Please note payment is expected at the time of service. Accepted forms of payment include:
Visa and Mastercard
Interac debit
Please see below for financial and insurance information as well as cancellation and late policies.
We will send out the following, and request that they be filled out and returned prior to your first appointment. This information assists in providing the best care possible.
New Patient Form
Transfer of Records Form (to transfer your records from previous dental offices, if applicable)
Insurance information (if applicable)
Office Policies
Late Policy
Cancellation Policy
Insurance Policy
If you arrive more than 15 minutes past your scheduled appointment time we reserve the right to cancel the appointment and
reschedule for an alternate day and time.
Should you need to change a scheduled appointment, we would appreciate the courtesy of being informed at least two full business days in advance.
If your appointment is for a half or full day, we require at least four business days notice.
We file most insurance claims as a courtesy for you at no cost, and reimbursement will be directed to the plan member or office. Please bring your insurance plan information with you. Please note that most dental insurances are intended to cover some, but not all of the cost of your dental care.